2021-03-25 13:26:57 来源:771771威尼斯.Cm 浏览数:0
主要开展生态养殖与病害防控相关的基础研究。包括有益微生物与宿主互作机理、抗生素替代及养殖模式优化技术、水产动物繁育及环境适应机制研究。具体研究了有益微生物对虹鳟、大菱鲆、刺参等水产动物的益生机理,刺参养殖系统营养物质循环的驱动机制,鳟鱼、绿鳍马面鲀、刺参等种质资源保存、繁育技术。已主持/参与各类科研项目30余项。在Environmental Pollution、Microbiology Spectrum、Aquaculture、Fish & Shellfish Immunology、Aquaculture Report等期刊发表学术论文40余篇,获得授权发明专利6项。
[1] Wang M, Yu Y, Ren Y*, Wang J, Chen H. Effect of antibiotic and/or heavy metal on nitrogen cycle of sediment-water interface in aquaculture system: Implications from sea cucumber culture, Environmental Pollution, 2023, 325: 121453.
[2] Zhao C, Men X, Dang Y, Zhou Y, Ren Y*. Probiotics mediate intestinal microbiome and microbiota derived metabolites regulating the growth and immunity of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Microbiology Spectrum, 2023, e0398022.
[3] Guo G, Li K, Zhu Q, Zhao C, Li C, He Z, Hu S, Ren Y*. Improvements of immune genes and intestinal microbiota composition of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) with dietary oregano oil and probiotics. Aquaculture, 2022, 547: 737442.
[4] Dang Y, Sun Y, Zhou Y, Men X, Wang B, Li B, Ren Y*. Effects of probiotics on growth, the toll-like receptor mediated immune response and susceptibility to Aeromonas salmonicida infection in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 2022, 738668.
[5] Ren Y#, Men X, Yu Y, Li B, Zhou Y, Zhao C*. Effects of transportation stress on antioxidation, immunity capacity and hypoxia tolerance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Reports, 2022, 22: 100940.
[6] Guo G, Li C, Xia B, Jiang S, Zhou S, Men X, Ren Y*. The efficacy of lactic acid bacteria usage in turbot Scophthalmus maximus on intestinal microbiota and expression of the immune related genes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 100: 90-97.
[7] Ren Y#, Guo G, Zhou S, Li C. Water quality and nitrogen budget in turbot Scophthalmus maximus culture system supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. Aquaculture Research, 2019, 50(10): 2743-2750.
[8] Li C, Ren Y*, Jiang S, Zhou S, Zhao J, Wang R, Li Y. Effects of dietary supplementation of four strains of lactic acid bacteria on growth, immune-related response and genes expression of the juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Selenka. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2018, 74: 69-75.
[9] Ren Y#, Pearce CM*, Liu W. Effects of stocking density, ration, and temperature on growth, survival, and metamorphosis of auricularia larvae of the California sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus. Aquaculture Research, 2018, 49: 517-525.
[10] Li C, Zhou S, Ren Y*, Jiang S, Xia B, Dong X. Toxic effects in juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas (selenka) exposure to benzo[a]pyrene. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2016, 59: 375-381.
[11] Ren YC#, Liu WS, Pearce CM*, Forster I, Mckinley S. Effects of selected mixed-algal diets on growth and survival of early postset juveniles of the Pacific geoduck clam, Panopea generosa (Gould, 1850), Aquaculture Nutrition, 2015, 21: 152–161.
[12] 大菱鲆养殖用益生菌、饲料及无抗化养殖方法, ZL202010771927.0
[13] 一种海水养殖虹鳟的人工杂交育种方法, ZL201910326588.2
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